Understanding Heart Disease (CAD)

What's heart disease (CAD)?
2:12 Min
Plaque build-up causing blockages or coronary artery disease
Understanding Heart Disease
4:11 Min
Harvard Professor Dr. C. Michael Gibson discusses the importance of cardiac health
What Is Heart Attack
3:02 Min
Mechanism of myocardial infarction or MI by narrowing of arteries
Inflammation and Heart Disease
3:07 Min
Harvard Professor Dr. C. Michael Gibson explains the role of inflammation in heart disease and tests to detect.
Chest Pain: What Are Causes & Tests?
6:28 Min
Cardiologist Dr. Paul Tucker discusses Cardiologist Dr. Paul Tucker discusses his approach to managing chest pain
Coronary Heart Disease
11:30 Min
Nurse describes heart disease and what you can do to prevent it.
Exercise Nuclear Stress Test
02:26 Min
Explanation of how a exercise nuclear stress test is performed
Chemical Nuclear Stress Test
01:36 Min
Explanation of how a chemical nuclear stress test is performed
Angioplasty & Stent Procedure
3:15 Min
Explanation of heart balloon angioplasty and stent placement.
Heart bypass surgery
4:33 Min
Coronary artery bypass surgery or CABG
What is Cardiac Rehab?
2:03 Min
Understanding cardiac rehabilitation